123 Recruitment and Training School takes great pride in helping individuals between the ages of 16 and 24, including ex-offenders, to get back to work. Working alongside colleges and the DWP (Department for Work and Pensions), the scheme is devoted to assisting unemployed individuals with establishing a role they find most desirable.
123 Recruitment and Training School, where the sky is the limit
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Proposing unrivalled opportunities for personal progression and career development, we give you the chance to accomplish an NVQ and a government-paid wage with our Kick-Start scheme. This incredible program provides the tools you need to embark on your career. From administration to sales and digital marketing, choose the path to your future and allow us to help you prepare for the road ahead.
The average course duration is 6 – 12 months, and whilst working towards achieving your qualifications, you will master the expertise required to ‘fit the bill’ in your chosen industry. We understand that looking for work may not only be a little overwhelming but may also be ‘a first’ for some. Our school administers a profusion of the best skills and behavioural interview tips to encourage confidence and morale for you to deliver an incredible and professional first impression.
As it stands, there are around 1.33 million unemployed people in the UK. We have assigned ourselves the responsibility of helping reduce this by selecting 150 unemployed people per month to train and prepare them for full-time perpetual employment. Individuals who are aged 16 – 24, including ex-offenders and are claiming unemployment benefits (Universal Credit), have the eligibility to apply to the 123 Recruitment and Training School.
Not to worry, if you’re not between the ages of 16 and 24, we have other opportunities available. At the 123 Recruitment and Training School, we believe everybody deserves a chance. Offering a diverse index of conducive, engaging apprenticeships, you also have the opportunity to ‘get your foot in the door’. We want everybody to succeed and have equal opportunities throughout all of the industry’s leading sectors. At the 123 Recruitment and Training School, we trust that there is a spark of determination within every individual – we light that spark and encourage it to brighten. From as early as September 2023, our first 150 enrolee’s will have access to the best tools and training in locations such as: Sheffield, Cardiff, Manchester, and Altrincham.
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